When you use a water jet massage machine it will feel like having all parts of your body massaged at the same time. The computer effect of this type of massage machine is like having the fingertips of several people working on your body at the same time. There are controls so that you can control the amount of pressure, the temperature and the pulsating frequency of the 36 jets. Within 15 minutes the water jets can help relieve the pain and discomfort of contracted muscles.
There is a padded cushion for you to lie on when using a water jet machine. The water jets spray the water on you. There are four sets of nine jets each. The two groups on the inner part work together and the other 18 jets on the outer part help give you the feeling of fingertips working their way from the center to the sides of your body.
This type of massage allows all your muscles to relax at the same time. Instead of a traditional massage where the therapist works one group of muscles at a time, this massage works them all at once. If you want the machine to focus on only one part of the body, you can localize the pressure to one specific area.
You can add a jet massage to your bathtub at home if you would prefer not to go to a spa. If you look at the costs of spa treatment, you will see where you can save money by having your own massage treatment in your own home. However, there are many of these available, so you should do your research to get the right ones for your needs.